Saturday, March 8, 2014

3 Reasons Your Credit Score Is Awful And You Don't Even Know It.

3 Reasons Your Credit Score Is Awful And You Don't Even Know 

One of  the biggest reasons your credit score is falling fast and you have NO CLUE is because you have not checked you credit score in a few years or you have but can't understand why it keeps going down!

Reason 1:

You would think paying off all your debts and cutting up those high interest credit cards is just what you needed to do to get out of debt right?? Wrong.Credit is something that you need to keep reporting every month to maintain your score (IE :mortgage payment, or some type revolving line) If you have no activity on you credit's falling fast.

Reason 2:

Know Your Score
Some of your credit card balances are to close to being MAXED OUT!!!. If your credit cards balances are over 70% the balance of the card then there is a good chance that every month when your credit is reported it is showing up negatively . So try to keep you each credit card under 70% of the limit.

Reason 3:

The terms and conditions of your current credit card have changed......"Is that even Legal" (Sadly..YES)
your credit card provider or lender might have changed your original term and conditions that you once had and now some of the things you are doing might cause your credit score to be hammered (example: using your credit card for the rewards points and paying it off to much or to fast)

If you are interested in learning more or  would like a free credit score and/or credit consultation click below

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Saturday, February 1, 2014

3 Of the Worst Things you can do with your Debt

            3 Of the Worst Things you can do with your Debt

3. Transfer your debt from one credit card to another. Even though you might be getting a lower interest rate on the current debt you have, that does really mean anything if you are not focusing on making more aggressive payments on it.( it's like sweeping a mess under a rug...your just hiding it!)

2. Wait for that big promotion or you income tax to payoff or down your debt. Yeah I know even though it all sounds good the truth of the matter is, that BIG PROMOTION might not come as fast as you thought and that debt is still piling on. I also know people (me included ) say as soon as i get my income tax i'm paying off my debt...... but we all know that as soon as that money hits our account were shopping.

1. Ignore it..... This is one of the worst things that people do. Just because you have a lot of debt or bad credit you should never just shrug it off, that kind of attitude will keep you from ever being able to purchase your dream home or even progress in a career field. (YES these companies do credit checks)

Some of the best fixes for consolidating your debt is to try to structure you payment plans, so you are
able to focus on paying off high interest balances quickly and then moving on to lower interest balances.Another great option to take it calling your creditors and asking for a lower interest rate (believe it or not . It does work sometimes)

For more help or assistance with debt click the link below and get a free Debt Reduction Plan

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Sunday, January 26, 2014

5 Reasons Your Credit Sucks!

                       5 Reasons Your Credit Sucks!

1.                      You have to much open credit lines.

Just because all your credit cards have a zero balance doesn't mean that lenders do not look at them as possible risk.

2.             You constantly apply for credit ,when you know your credit sucks!!

We all make mistakes but if you are trying to apply for a loan and you know your credit score is 300....and you have not done anything to improve it, then your wasting your time.

3.       You co-sign for a moron.......  (there is a reason why they can't get a loan)

Yeah I said it... just because you love a person does not mean that you need to allow them to mess up your credit or your life.

4.                              You pay the minimum balance.

Damn, look at the truth in lending disclosures that all financial institutions are required by law to give you, at the time of your loan.I can almost bet if you looked at how long it would take you to pay that loan off, I can promise you would pay more.

5.                       You spend more than what you make.

Learn how to stay home and make it a Redbox night.. I know more than 10 people who are either unemployed or not making enough to survive on ,yet they always manage to have enough money to go out and take Facebook photos of it. (broke ass)

so the conclusion of this article is:  don't have too many credit cards, don't pay only minimum balance, do not co-sign for any one, not even your kids and it is okay to stay home sometimes and save your money.

For More information check out the links below!!

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Quick way to increase your credit score

One of the best ways to improve your credit in a reasonable
time frame is keep your credit card limits under 30% under its
limit and not only will you score improve, your interest rate could

For more interesting facts visit

For More information check out the links below!!

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