3 Of the Worst Things you can do with your Debt
3. Transfer your debt from one credit card to another. Even though you might be getting a lower interest rate on the current debt you have, that does really mean anything if you are not focusing on making more aggressive payments on it.( it's like sweeping a mess under a rug...your just hiding it!)

Wait for that big promotion or you income tax to payoff or down your debt. Yeah I know even though it all sounds good the truth of the matter is, that BIG PROMOTION might not come as fast as you thought and that debt is still piling on. I also know people (me included ) say as soon as i get my income tax i'm paying off my debt...... but we all know that as soon as that money hits our account were shopping.
Ignore it..... This is one of the worst things that people do. Just because you have a lot of debt or bad credit you should never just shrug it off, that kind of attitude will keep you from ever being able to purchase your dream home or even progress in a career field. (YES these companies do credit checks)
Some of the best fixes for consolidating your debt is to try to structure you payment plans, so you are
able to focus on paying off high interest balances quickly and then moving on to lower interest balances.Another great option to take it calling your creditors and asking for a lower interest rate (believe it or not . It does work sometimes)
For more help or assistance with debt click the link below and get a free Debt Reduction Plan
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